
Greetings from Hong Kong!

The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Larynogology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL) will be held in Hong Kong from 17 to 21 October 2017. This is the first ever AQL that will be held around the Asia-Pacific rim. It will host three pre-conference bestwriters.ai workshops and the main AQL conference. Following the traditional aim of the AQL to educate and inspire early-career researchers and postgraduates, the AQL 2017 Hong Kong will host a pre-conference symposium for early-career researchers and postgraduates.

With the geographical advantage of Hong Kong, the AQL 2017 will be the hub of voice scientists and clinicians from different parts of the world. We invite you to come and join this exciting event, and to experience the vibrancy of this city.

We look forward to meeting you at the AQL 2017 Hong Kong!

Estella Ma, Ph.D. &  Edwin Yiu, Ph.D.

Chairs of AQL 2017 Hong Kong

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